Guyton Municipal Court is held on the first Wednesday of each month in the council chambers in Guyton City Hall located at 310 Central Boulevard. Court begins promptly at 3:00 pm. All cases that are continued from one month to the next will begin at 2:30 pm.
For more information, Crisa Fort, the Municipal Court Clerk, at (912)772-3353 or email
For those persons who wish to pay their traffic citation before court please do so by 3:00 pm on the Tuesday before court. We accept cash, money order, certified check made payable to Guyton Municipal Court as well as Discover, MasterCard and Visa. In addition, we accept electronic payments with credit/debit card payments online.
Basic Guidelines and Procedures:
Court dockets will be staggered in 30 minute increments. No more than ten cases will be
scheduled per 30 minute sessions.
Bailiffs will assist in limiting the next group of court attendees from entering the
courtroom unless and until there is adequate seating to ensure proper spacing.
The bailiffs will direct all attendees to maintain six feet distance between themselves and
other court attendees. Exceptions will be made when there are family members who can remain
seated closer than six feet.
Face coverings and or masks will be required and provided by the court for those who do
not have one. Face coverings or masks will remain in place at all times unless speech and hearing
difficulties arise. Exceptions to this rule will be made for those who have physical problems that
prevent the wearing of a face covering or mask.
Bailiffs will screen all attendees with general questions about their current health - fever,
cough, loss of smell or taste, or the exposure to someone diagnosed with Covid-19, or if they
have tested positive for Covid-19.
Any attendees who answer in the affirmative will be asked to wait outside of the
courtroom and away from other attendees. Their names will be reported to the Solicitor who will
consult with the Court. The Court would excuse that attendee and their case would be
rescheduled no sooner than 14 days.
Court personnel will be expected to wear masks and or face coverings. The Court
recognizes that the presiding judge may be situated in such place whereby social distancing can
be observed without the benefit of a face covering. In other cases the Court should use one unless
speech becomes an issue.
Temperature devices will be encouraged but not required. If used, all with a temperature
of I 00.4 degrees or higher will be denied entry and their case will be rescheduled.
Sanitary wipes/ sprays/sanitizers will be on the Clerk's table, the podium and tables
where the attendees sit or stand. The podium should be wiped down after each attendee
completes their appearance. Court personnel, or a bailiff, may be needed and asked to perform
this task. The wearing of hand protective gloves is encouraged.
Social contact between court personnel, attendees, attorneys, etc. will be limited to
gestures and nods, no hand shaking, hugging, or elbow bumps allowed.
( 11)
To the extent permissible visitors will be encouraged to wait outside. The Court
understands that Courts are open to the public and no one can be excluded from attendance. No
one will be excluded from attendance, but this is just a reminder to them of the need for special
precautions during the Covid-19 crisis.
( 12)
Two containers of writing utensils will be provided, one with writing utensils and one
empty container to place the writing utensils in after use. Only one writing utensil per person will
be used, and then placed in the empty container, to be sanitized at the end of court.
Those at risk for Covid-19 as defined by the C.D.C. (over 65, severe underlying health
issues, cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, or other immune
problems, or those who care for persons who are high risk for Covid-19) shall be accommodated
by a continuance of their case or be allowed to handle their case when the courtroom is cleared
by all but essential court personnel.
( 14)
Inmates will not be transported to and from cotirt. Videos and electronic means will be
used in order to handle their case. Exceptions may be made for good cause.
All visitors must disclose their physical symptoms to the bailiffs or other cou11 personnel,
and if they are at risk of transmitting Covid-19 they shall contact court personnel to have their
case rescheduled.
( 16)
These rules may be altered, amended or changed as conditions dictate.
The Clerk of Court is directed to post this document at the entrance to the Courtroom and
applicable website.

Law and Order